Saturday, April 22, 2006
While at work today, someone asked me what is today's date. I gave her the date, and she made a face, one of my American Coworkers who was standing next to me, and is very loud, said that The customer thought it was me. So she came to my desk and called me a I was so shocked at the same time didn't want to make a scene by saying it wasn't me who called her one, in the first place. After we were done for the day, everyone at work wanted to know why I didn't shot back at her and didn't argued with her. I explained the whole situation to them, that If I did, I would make trouble for the coworker who is always loud. It's not in my nature to blame things on people. But is it fair to act on the spare of moment and let others take the blame?!!
posted by Persianeyes at 6:57 PM |


At April 23, 2006 2:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

It is wrong to blame other for your own mistake and in my opinion it is also wrong not to defend yourself. Blaming is when you have committed the act and put the responsibility on someone else's shoulder. Since you didn't commit the act, the BLAMING part should not have been an issue. Also it is in your right to defend yourself against accusation. You could have called her names and make a big scene or quickly and quitely try to explain to her that you didn't make those remark(s) and you didn't appreciated her respond w/o finding the facts.
Regarding the Coworker, if she is the kind of person that allows other to be blamed for her mistakes, I personally do not need/want her friendship. Because those kind of people will bit you in the As.... sooner or later.
You also want to warn your coworker that in the future if you are blamed for her craps, you will expose her for what she is.