Saturday, May 27, 2006

NY-born vocalist Haale and her band create a swirling, hypnotic, and exaltative experience onstage, weaving Persian melodies through a lush soundscape that pays homage to Sufi musical traditions and pschedelic rock. Though she sings mostly in Persian, the music speaks all languages, loudly, passionately, defiantly.
Haale has played such venues as Lincoln Center, Mercury Lounge, Brooklyn Academy of Music, Joe's Pub, Pianos, Temple Bar, LA County Museum of Art, Joshua Tree Music Festival, and Earthdance.

posted by Persianeyes at 8:25 PM | 0 comments
Monkey with the Dead wish

posted by Persianeyes at 4:45 PM | 0 comments

Top 10 Beaches in America Descriptions of the Best Beaches in the US 

1.Bahia Honda State Park, Florida -
Map, Info, Weather
2. Hapuna Beach, Hawaii -
Map, Info, Weather
3.Fort Desoto Park, Florida -
Map, Info, Weather
4.Hulopo'e Beach, Hawaii -
Map, Info, Weather
5.St Joseph Peninsula State Park, FL

(Cape San Blas) -
Map, Info, Weather
6.Ocracoke Island, North Carolina -
Map, Info, Weather
7.Kailua Beach, Hawaii -
Map, Info, Weather
8.Caladesi Island State Park, Florida -
Map, Info, Weather
9.Hamoa Beach, Hawaii -
Map, Info, Weather
10.Cumberland Island, Georgia -
Map, Info, Weather
posted by Persianeyes at 2:39 PM | 0 comments
May 25, 2006
President George W. BushThe White House1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NWWashington, DC 20500

Dear President George W. Bush,

When I first though of the idea, it did not scare me, for as any person would think, "it would never happen to me..." But while eating lunch today, the reality of this matter struck me in the face.

I am an eleven year old Iranian-American boy in the 5th grade. In a few days, I will be leaving my home on vacation to Iran for the first time with my mother and sister. Yes, Iran, the country causing a new controversy throughout the world. Throughout the midst of the Iranian nuclear crisis, the question has pondered in the minds of many: Will they strike Iran? In my head this blur of terror and fear has inquired me too. And the most terrible idea is if it is hit with nuclear weapons of mass destruction.

As I was talking with my mother today, I asked her “What if Iran is hit with nukes?" My mother told me to write to you. So now I ask you Mr. President: What would happen? What if we would be blown into ashes or thrown up into the mushroom cloud as more burning radioactive dust? But what if we survived? What if we were out of the area but the radioactive fallout corrupted our bodies leaving us with a deadly form of cancer? What if the severe burns scarred our skin? What if we were close enough for the radiation to only give up 24 hours, swelling our brains till there was just no space? What if we died?

This is the fear that we have had in the few days of deciding to go on a vacation and actually enjoy.
Though Iran has been uncooperative with the United Nations and is under suspicion of nuclear weapons production, the people do not deserve such a horror. All people of the world are equal, well that’s how it is in my book and I hope it is the same in yours.

Maybe some approve of attacking Iran, but was it not also in WWII for bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki? If it happens, like Iraq, it may be regretted. And the city will still, for millions of years, pursue the radioactive fallout and be a central pinpoint of diseases such as the bombarded cities in Japan are now, but worse.

I ask you now; please do not attack Iran with any sort of weapon, whatever it should be, please don't so I and millions of others will not lose lives, and so we can all live in peace.

Alborz Yazdi
posted by Persianeyes at 3:19 AM | 1 comments
Friday, May 26, 2006
You want to look at a great Dutch succer players....
Click here Football
posted by Persianeyes at 10:58 PM | 0 comments
مردي ديروقت ‚ خسته از كار به خانه برگشت. جلوی در پسر پنج ساله اش را ديد كه
در انتظار او بود.
سلام بابا ! يك سئوال از شما بپرسم ؟
- بله حتماً.چه سئوالي؟
- بابا ! شما براي هرساعت كار چقدر پول مي گيريد؟
مرد با ناراحتي پاسخ داد: اين به تو ارتباطي ندارد. چرا چنين سئوالي ميكني؟
- فقط ميخواهم بدانم.
- اگر بايد بداني ‚ بسيار خوب مي گويم : 20۰ دلار
پسر كوچك در حالي كه سرش پائين بود آه كشيد. بعد به بابایی نگاه كرد و گفت : ميشود
10 دلار به من قرض بدهيد ؟
مرد عصباني شد و گفت : اگر دليلت براي پرسيدن اين سئوال ‚ فقط اين بود كه پولي
براي خريدن يك اسباب بازي مزخرف از من بگيري كاملآ در اشتباهي‚ سريع به
اطاقت برگرد و برو فكر كن كه چرا اينقدر خودخواه هستي. من هر روز سخت كار
مي كنم و براي چنين رفتارهاي كودكانه وقت ندارم.
پسر كوچك‚ آرام به اتاقش رفت و در را بست.
بابایی نشست و باز هم عصباني تر شد: چطور به خودش اجازه مي دهد فقط براي
گرفتن پول ازمن چنين سئوالاتي كند؟
بعد از حدود يك ساعت بابایی آرام تر شد و فكر كرد كه شايد با پسر كوچكش خيلي تند و
خشن رفتار كرده است. شايد واقعآ چيزي بوده كه او براي خريدنش به 10 دلار نياز
داشته است.
به خصوص اينكه خيلي كم پيش مي آمد پسرك از پدرش درخواست پول كند.
بابایی به سمت اتاق پسر رفت و در را باز كرد.
- خوابي پسرم ؟
- نه پدر ، بيدارم.
- من فكر كردم شايد با تو خشن رفتار كرده ام. امروز كارم سخت و طولاني بود و همه
ناراحتي هايم را سر تو خالي كردم. بيا اين 10 دلاري كه خواسته بودي.
پسر كوچولو نشست‚ خنديد و فرياد زد : متشكرم بابا ! بعد دستش را زير بالشش برد
و از آن زير چند اسكناس مچاله شده در آورد.
مرد وقتي ديد پسر كوچولو خودش هم پول داشته ‚ دوباره عصباني شد و با ناراحتي
گفت : با اين كه خودت پول داشتي ‚ چرا دوباره درخواست پول كردي؟
پسر كوچولو پاسخ داد: براي اينكه پولم كافي نبود‚ ولي من حالا 20 دلار دارم. آيا
مي توانم يك ساعت از كار شما را بخرم تا فردا زودتر به خانه بياييد؟
من شام خوردن با شما را خيلي دوست دارم ... ...........امیدوارم بابایی های و مامانهای زحمتکش یا پسران و دخترانی که در آینده بابا و مامان میشن به این مطلب من عمقی تر فکر کنند و وقت بیشتری را با گلهای همیشه بهار خود بگزرونند
posted by Persianeyes at 7:05 PM | 0 comments
Thursday, May 25, 2006
If I was one thing, I'd be a candle
Burning just to light your way
Unconditional brightness abundant in your path
Whichever route you take

I would light your path to avoid any struggles
I'd help to keep you from stumbling over
moving the obstacles in your path opening all the doors.
I will light your way and pray your life is easier,

My light will shine oh so brightly
Even in the strongest winds, not even a flicker.
My light is your focus shining brightly in the dullest of days
The faith I have in you keeps the flame burning

One day you may leave me behind
You may no longer need my light to shine.
If that day comes, go on your way
And I will hope to see you again one day.

If one day, I don't appear,
Do not worry, do not fear
I may be gone, but in your heart
The light I gave you did not depart.
Andli litt
posted by Persianeyes at 10:52 PM | 0 comments
Could You Possibly drive here?

posted by Persianeyes at 6:17 PM | 1 comments
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Life isn't like a bowl of strawberries and cream,
It's more like a Jar of Jalapenos. what you do today,
might burn your ..... tomorrow.
posted by Persianeyes at 12:16 AM | 2 comments