Saturday, June 24, 2006
Last week, it was my hair, tonight was my blog. I need a change and I have been thinking about changing the colors again. Well thats me I have changed it a lot of times, and I am sure it wont be the last time I am doing it. Here is the other change I made. I am working on links and more cool sites to add. Time to go to bed. Till tomorrow.....
posted by Persianeyes at 12:58 AM |


At June 28, 2006 5:34 AM, Blogger Shankar Pandiath


It is definitely much better now..

I would still recommend somen changes.. but this being a personal opinion (p.o.), you can overlook it, if u feel it's not in line with your strategy.. mainly because the blog is now much friendlier)

Try and reduce the size of the headings on the right.. and don't make it italics... (p.o)

Also try and use this code while indicating font-size..
[FONT style="font-size:8pt" color=#555555 face="Arial"].. it is much nicer than the [small/ smallest] or [size=2/size=1].. You can also change the color-code to your liking.

Try and make the top banner a bit more funnier.. it's nice but it is too girly (p.o)

Maintain consistency in your fonts.. each post is in a diifferent font.. select any which you feel comfortable with and balances the link fornt on the right.

Drop the bottom banner.. it just is not in place.. put a menu or leave it blank.

Lastly, sign up with these guys [[affiliate sensor]] and put a couple (only a couple) of links, (something in the bottom or side).. who knows, some guy would need something and it may pay for your blog expenses, if any.
