One of the greatest pleasures of blogging is getting to know you through your comments and blog entries. I'd love to meet all of you, so I'm asking you to tell me about yourself.
You see, I'm curious. I want to know if the people who find this blog are mostly males or females ...
1. Are you in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s?
2. What do you do with your life? Are you a blogger too? Or a bereaved family member?
3. How did you find this blog?
4.How often do you come to visit?
5.What topics interest you the most?
If you humor me and tell me all about you, I promise to do these things:
Even if you leave comments here and there , you can always tell me something about yourself that you'd like me to know - maybe something surprising, something you're proud of, or something you think is cool about you. I look forward to knowing more about YOU.
I got this idea from from Shai Coggin .