Monday, May 29, 2006
Oh my Dear Diet,
I had to cheat today. How bad I feel doing this to you. But after what I went through today, that was the least I could do. Oh my dear, I shouldn't even be here cheating on you right now.
You want to know what happened to me today?
It all started when I was in highway near the exit when the car on my left decided he is going to take that exit, well it was too late. I just don't know who from where was controlling my car.
I made a move to the right and the car was coming after me, just imagine going 65 miles an hour, and you have 10 feet to hit the wall which is between the exit and highway.
At this point my kids are screaming and crying and the only thing I could think of was them and their safety. I had my feet on the break and I just made a move to the left.
It was just a feet away when I pass the wall. After making sure my kids are ok, I got out of my car to go after him, but he was just taking off like a crazy little scared boy. There was nothing I could do but sit in the car and shake for good 10 minutes.
I had enough action for one day, so I had to have something to eat, we went for pizza, I know I have sinned. Pizza? Oh it gets worse, calories after calories.... I went to Starbucks, and get Frapachino. I just had to ask for extra whipped cream. What if I wasn't even here to have that drink today.
That shows life is too short. You don't know what happens to you next. That's why we should be carefully the way we treat each other and respect and love others.
My dear diet, Now I am going to go to gym and work out hard for my punishment, but let me tell you something I loved every single second of drinking my Frapachino.....
posted by Persianeyes at 6:34 PM |


At May 29, 2006 8:58 PM, Blogger Unknown

I AM SO SORRY TO HEAR THIS. Thank god everyone is ok. as far as cheating on your diet, its a least of your worries. Just be thankfull you and your family are OK.

My prayers are always with you.


At May 29, 2006 9:43 PM, Blogger Persianeyes

Dear Mobli,
I am thankful to be still here, And more thankful that my kids are ok after the close call we had.
Thanks for the kind words.


At June 01, 2006 9:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

Ohhh My dear friend - Glad to hear you & the kids are OK,
You are right life is too short and unpredictable so make the best out of it at each moment.
As we all know such an incident will take a lot of energy not only from your body but also from your soul. So therefore,you are hereby authorized to cheat Mr./Mrs. Diet for another day.
(Only for one more day,do'nt cheat on this one).
Have fun and be careful!
God be with you and your family!


At June 01, 2006 10:08 PM, Blogger Persianeyes

Ok, since You said One more day It starts from now 10pm untill tomorrow night.. Wow I cant wait to go to starbucks for another Frapachino and ofcourse some good food, not rabit food "salad" LOL.
Thanks for the kinds words, Thank God my kids are ok, and we were lucky enough to get away from a bad accident.