At June 01, 2006 9:49 PM, Anonymous
Ohhh My dear friend - Glad to hear you & the kids are OK,
You are right life is too short and unpredictable so make the best out of it at each moment.
As we all know such an incident will take a lot of energy not only from your body but also from your soul. So therefore,you are hereby authorized to cheat Mr./Mrs. Diet for another day.
(Only for one more day,do'nt cheat on this one).
Have fun and be careful!
God be with you and your family!
At June 01, 2006 10:08 PM, Persianeyes
Ok, since You said One more day It starts from now 10pm untill tomorrow night.. Wow I cant wait to go to starbucks for another Frapachino and ofcourse some good food, not rabit food "salad" LOL.
Thanks for the kinds words, Thank God my kids are ok, and we were lucky enough to get away from a bad accident.