Sunday, February 11, 2007
posted by Persianeyes at 1:09 PM |


At February 12, 2007 12:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

WOW, he has not change at all!
He looks the same as I remember him in 1977!
Am I that old?
He is that old!

Not bad , he still has a good voice


At February 12, 2007 12:14 AM, Blogger Persianeyes

I dont know, unless you tell us how old are you! Even better leave a name. :)


At February 12, 2007 11:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

Well I am about 70 years old but I still like to take good looking ladies to lunch!


At February 12, 2007 11:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

So can we have lunch?


At February 12, 2007 12:17 PM, Blogger Persianeyes

Lunch is on you, I will bring my grand ma too:).She is still


At February 12, 2007 6:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

That is a deal!
I am just imagining her dancing!
Which one of you is a better belly dance?


At February 12, 2007 7:27 PM, Blogger Persianeyes

Grand Ma, is more in to Rock and Roll. LOL


At February 12, 2007 9:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

OHHHHHHH, I am not sure if I can keep up with her!!!
It seeems to me she is WILD GRAMMYYYYYYYYYYYY!
I am just a 70 years old guy with a weak heart looking for good looking ladies to give me a heart attack!


At February 12, 2007 9:38 PM, Blogger Persianeyes

Your wish is her command.LOL