Thursday, March 23, 2006
Loosing weight.....
I have been going to gym for a month now, and my goal is to loose 10 pounds and offcourse working on bicep, tricep and abs... Its not that easy, I am telling you. But everytime I go there, I feel so good about myself. I get this good feeling that I have done something good for myself. It all started with the phone call from my Doctor, "Parisa, You have a cholesterol" I was shocked hearing that, Because I love to eat good food, and love to use butter in rice...... I had to cut everything, so I wont take medication. Now back to loosing weight, I am on this diet that one of my friends gave me, eating less sugar and fat. I am telling you its disgusting, specially when you go to grocery store, and looking for non fat versions. I am a shekamoo girl that all of a sudden has to watch what she eats. Thank God I never had problem of gaining weight, otherwise I would be the topolest(LOL) person you have ever seen. Well with summer being close, I thought why not loosing wieght too, while I am on that diet. I will post here how much weight I have lost in a month. Just cross your fingers that I don't cheat on eating all those fatty foods...
posted by Persianeyes at 12:55 PM |